Recovery Work in Hiroshima and Okayama donate
In response to the torrential rains in July 2018, Christian volunteer centers have been set up in Kure, Hiroshima and Kurashiki, Okayama. Volunteers from CRASH and other groups and individuals form into work teams to go the damaged areas and do a variety of relief activities. The record-setting heat wave is making things worse – the high temperatures every day for the past couple of weeks have been in the mid 90’s (mid 30’s celsius) with no end in sight, and the death toll from the heat is approaching that of the floods and landslides!
Here are a few photos, but many more photos and reports of activities can be found on CRASH’s Facebook page. The damage is very widespread, and even just the physical recovery will take months or a year or more. Emotional recovery will take even longer, and CRASH desires to continue survivor care as long as it is needed.
Donations have been much smaller than for other disasters in recent years, perhaps because there was very little in international news. Please support this work!