Global Intercultural Services (GLINTS) was incorporated in the State of Illinois as a non-profit organization in May 2011. GLINTS subsequently received its tax-exempt (501c3) status in December of the same year. Our mission is to see the acceleration of the global advance of the Gospel.
The mission to accelerate the global advance of the Gospel is accomplished in three ways: deploying global staff, building capacity in partner ministries worldwide and equipping the local church to send their own to mission fields across the globe.
Life experience and professional expertise are but a couple of ways to determine future ministry role and placement. Determining one’s calling to a geographical location is investigated thoroughly.
Candidates for long-term global staff positions undergo personality and intercultural competency tests, and are checked in their aptitude/teachability in web-based technology.
GLINTS forges relationships between its global staff and already-established organizations in different parts of the world. Additionally, it seeks to partner with national organizations to increase their capacity for ministry.
GLINTS seeks to speed up the process from initial recruitment to deployment by streamlining procedures.
GLINTS staffers are given the freedom to choose medical insurance carriers and retirement plans. Budgets are formulated according to global staff members’ needs.