Good News Church Bangladesh (GNCB) read blog donate

The Good News Church Bangladesh (GNCB) was founded by Pastor Prodip Karmakar in 2014. With a burden for Bangladeshis to know Jesus Christ, Pastor Prodip uses a holistic approach to ministry, addressing not only the spiritual needs of Bangladeshis but also their emotional, physical and academic needs.
Church planting through gospel proclamation is of primary importance to GNCB. By establishing ministries among children, women, the handicapped and survivors of disasters (both natural and manmade), Pastor Prodip, seeks to impact the lives of thousands of Bangladeshis with the Word of God.
Aside from having experience as a social worker, Pastor Prodip has been ministering with AWANA Clubs International since 1989, currently serving as AWANA’s national coordinator for Bangladesh. Together with his wife, Shikha, Pastor Prodip also runs two orphanages.
On March 28, 2018, the Good News Church Bangladesh denomination signed on as a partner ministry of GLINTS. Together, GLINTS and GNCB will also explore ways of answering the call of caring for Rohingya refugees from Myanmar.
For more information about GNCB please contact Pastor Prodip Karmakar.
You can participate in the GNCB’s ministry by praying for this young denomination and supporting it financially.
Electronic funds transfer is the best way to deliver your monthly support. Click here for instructions.
Pay to the order of GLINTS, write GNCB on the memo and mail to:
PO Box 962
Wheaton IL 60187
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