Levi & Diane Velasco read blog donate

Levi and Diane have been serving the Lord in vocational ministry since 1982. They attribute their calling to Great Commission ministries to the influence and discipling from American missionaries. God placed them into their lives while they were both students at the University of the Philippines in the early 1970s, and in the 1980s when they were on staff at Greenhills Christian Fellowship (Manila). In 1988 Levi received his B.A. from the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago after which God subsequently opened the doors to 22 years of international ministries experiences and the establishment of a global ministry network.
Leveraging their knowledge of international missions and their mutual passion for nurturing emerging leaders to action, the Velascos established Global Intercultural Services (GLINTS) in 2011 for the purpose of raising the next generation of disciple-makers. Their objective is to utilize best practices in mobilizing Christ-followers for cross-cultural ministry, to build capacity in churches and organizations outside the US and to equip local churches here and abroad to send their home-grown missionaries to the world. Wherever they go, they have been used of God to inspire and cultivate those who sense God’s Great Commission call, as well as those in active missions duty.
Your donation(s) towards the Velascos is vital to the deployment of many more missionaries. You may send your donations to Levi and Diane by the following means:
Zelle (preferred)
To add recipient click ‘THIS IS A BUSINESS’. Use donations@glints.org as the email address for Global Intercultural Services, then click ‘Add recipient’. Designate donation to the Velasco Global Ministry in the ‘Add memo’ section. You may also schedule monthly support via Zelle.
Pay to the order of GLINTS, write Velasco Global Ministry in the memo and send to:
PO Box 962
Wheaton IL 60187
Electronic funds transfer is available as another way to deliver your monthly support. Click here for instructions.
You can donate via credit card or PayPal by clicking the appropriate donate button below.
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