JVENTURE read blog

JVENTURE is a collaborative ministry network whose main partnerships include WorldVenture-Japan (USA), Fellowship International (Canada) and international partner organizations and missionaries, committed to serving local churches in close association with the Japan Conservative Baptist Church (Domei).

JVENTURE envisions Gospel-transformed lives in communities in Japan and beyond, through effective and innovative ministries that are focused on evangelism and discipleship.

GLINTS is privileged to partner with JVENTURE. Both organizations seek innovative ways to accelerate the global advance of the Gospel, implementing the deployment of  GLINTS global staff to Japan with JVENTURE as the receiving agency. To date, Willy Bulseco, Stephen and Erika Croft, Charles and Anne Marie Smoker and Zach Smoker are serving with GLINTS in Japan through this arrangement.

Your donations help JVENTURE fulfill its role in proclaiming the Good News in Japan and regions beyond. You may send your donations by the following means:

Pay to the order of GLINTS, write JVENTURE on the memo line and send to:

PO Box 962
Wheaton IL 60187

Electronic funds transfer is the best way to deliver monthly support.

Click here for instructions

You may donate via credit card by clicking the donate button below. Designate you gift to JVENTURE in the comment section.

Address: PO BOX 962, Wheaton, IL 60187-0962
Phone: (630) 923-3761
Email: info@glints.org