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Mel has been engaged in Great Commission work for most of her adult life. Healthcare, education, mentoring and church planting have kept Mel busy for 36 years. After graduating from Moody Bible Institute in 1987, she and her family worked among the Yao people of Malawi. Her current involvements include teaching English to refugees, being an online missionary and coaching missionary candidates. She initiated and helped produce the Jesus Film in her native language, Ivatan, and traveled to Batanes Island, Philippines where it was shown last year.
Her passion to reach the Ivatans in Batanes Island for Christ continues to grow. She’s taking the next step in her missionary journey to develop discipleship training programs using the Jesus Film as a springboard. Mel envisions raising an army of trained Ivatans to carry the torch of Christ for generations to come.
Pray for Mel as she embarks on this God-sized vision. You may give towards her ministry by:
Pay to the order of GLINTS, write Andricks Global Ministry in the memo and mail to:
PO Box 962
Wheaton IL 60187
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